Company meetings


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The AGM was held on Thursday 16 May 2024. The Notice of Meeting can be found in the Annual Report and Accounts January 2024.

The Board of NEXT plc is pleased to announce that at the AGM of NEXT shareholders held on 16 May 2024, all resolutions as set out in the Notice of Meeting contained in the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 27 January 2024 were passed.

All resolutions were put to the meeting and approved on a poll and results are detailed below.

The total number of shares on the register at 9.30 am on 14 May 2024, being those eligible to be voted on at the AGM, was 127,125,597.

at 9:30am
14 May
Resolution Special /
No. of
% No. of
% No. of
% No. of
1 To receive and adopt the accounts and reports of the directors and auditor Ordinary 93,832,750 99.71 275,887 0.29 94,108,637 74.03 775,668
2 To approve the Remuneration Report Ordinary 83,634,990 88.27 11,118,835 11.73 94,753,825 74.54 130,459
3 To declare a final dividend of 141 pence per ordinary share Ordinary 94,882,235 100.00 721 0.00 94,882,956 74.64 1,349
4 To elect Venetia Butterfield as a director Ordinary 94,828,392 99.94 53,631 0.06 94,882,023 74.64 2,282
5 To elect Amy Stirling as a director Ordinary 93,814,075 99.63 349,684 0.37 94,163,759 74.07 720,546
6 To re-elect Jonathan Bewes as a director Ordinary 91,613,840 96.56 3,268,305 3.44 94,882,145 74.64 2,160
7 To re-elect Soumen Das as a director Ordinary 91,183,461 96.83 2,980,454 3.17 94,163,915 74.07 720,390
8 To re-elect Tom Hall as a director Ordinary 89,855,715 94.70 5,025,146 5.30 94,880,861 74.64 3,444
9 To re-elect Dame Tristia Harrison as a director Ordinary 92,159,487 97.13 2,722,617 2.87 94,882,104 74.64 2,201
10 To re-elect Amanda James as a director Ordinary 93,684,376 98.74 1,198,184 1.26 94,882,560 74.64 1,745
11 To re-elect Richard Papp as a director Ordinary 93,664,659 98.72 1,217,567 1.28 94,882,226 74.64 2,079
12 To re-elect Michael Roney as a director Ordinary 88,656,660 94.15 5,507,645 5.85 94,164,305 74.07 720,000
13 To re-elect Jane Shields as a director Ordinary 93,666,502 98.72 1,215,690 1.28 94,882,192 74.64 2,113
14 To re-elect Jeremy Stakol as a director Ordinary 93,709,051 98.76 1,173,050 1.24 94,882,101 74.64 2,204
15 To re-elect Lord Wolfson as a director Ordinary 93,718,181 98.77 1,164,327 1.23 94,882,508 74.64 1,797
16 To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditor Ordinary 93,874,555 98.94 1,007,459 1.06 94,882,014 74.64 2,291
17 To authorise the Audit Committee to set the auditor’s remuneration Ordinary 94,869,493 99.99 12,871 0.01 94,882,364 74.64 1,941
18  Directors’ authority to allot shares Ordinary 90,359,802 95.23 4,521,241 4.77 94,881,043 74.64 3,261
19 General authority to disapply pre-emption rights Special 83,427,858 87.93 11,450,104 12.07 94,877,962 74.63 6,342
20 Additional authority to disapply pre-emption rights Special 80,211,202 84.58 14,619,413 15.42 94,830,615 74.60 53,689
21 Authority for on-market purchase of own shares Special 91,939,318 96.92 2,917,939 3.08 94,857,257 74.62 27,048
22 Authority for off-market purchases of own shares Special 93,775,986 98.86 1,081,725 1.14 94,857,711 74.62 26,594
Less votes disregarded under the provisions of the Companies Act 2006   (3,000,000)       (3,000,000)    
Resolution 22 total2   90,775,986 98.82 1,081,725 1.18 91,857,711 72.22 26,594
23 Notice period of general meetings Special 89,653,297 94.51 5,207,183 5.49 94,860,480 74.62 23,825

In accordance with LR 9.6.2 and 9.2.6ER(1), a copy of resolutions passed as special business will be submitted as soon as practicable to the National Storage Mechanism and will be available shortly for inspection at

Note1:  The ‘Vote Withheld’ option is provided to enable the shareholder to abstain on any resolution. It is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes for and against a resolution.

Note2: The total maximum number of Ordinary Shares which may be purchased by NEXT for cancellation pursuant to such contingent purchase contracts is 3.0 million. NEXT has disregarded 3.0 million votes from both the total number of votes cast in favour of the resolution and the total votes cast so that the voting of those shares did not affect the result of the poll.

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